Tuesday, June 10, 2008

TWD: La Palette's Strawberry Tart

This week's selection was made by Marie of A Year From Oak Cottage. While I thought this dessert was gorgeous, it was one that I did not have. I think it might be time to tell you about strawberries and me. I have a really weird relationship with strawberries. I love strawberry syrup, puree, milk, and jam but I don't like the fruit itself. I can eat the fruit when it's covered in chocolate but I can't eat it on its own. You will never catch me eating fresh strawberries, they just don't appeal to me. I have tried to eat them, but it never ends well. I think my dislike for strawberry fruit is countered by Alex's love of strawberries. To him strawberries are the perfect fruit. So while I didn't take advantage of this dessert, Alex did. I coated the strawberries in amaretto and it smelled wonderful. Alex didn't even notice the layer of strawberry jam, but he said that it was really good. This dessert is great for the strawberry lover and for the person who doesn't want to spend too much time making a beautiful looking dessert.

Fresh Strawberries

Strawberries and whipped cream

Topped with powdered sugar and cocoa powder.

Don't forget to head over the the TWD site and look through all the great blogs!


  1. I'm glad that he liked it! It looks wonderful.

  2. So pretty! I can't eat melons. No judgment here. ;)


  3. It looks great!

    -Amy (www.singforyoursupperblog.com)

  4. You don't like strawberries? *gasp* Not sure we can be friends anymore. I tease! HAHA! Love the cocoa powder on top. Yum!
    Clara @ I♥food4thought

  5. wow- that sucks. I havent met a fruit I didnt like! That was good for your husband though! Nice of you.

  6. I cannot imagine not loving berries! How sad for you! But how sweet of you to make it for Alex...

  7. Great job on the mini tarts! That's sweet of you to make it even though you don't like strawberries!

  8. Great job on a dessert you didn't even taste! Hope you try it again with other fruits.

  9. How sad that the strawberries don't work for you. How about another fruit? Apricot? Peach? Plum? They'd all be delightful.

  10. very pretty tart!! i'm sorry you don't like strawberries... as i've seen on a lot of other blogs, it works great with other fruits!

  11. How funny...one of my girlfriends has the same dislike for strawberries...she'll be shocked to know that she isn't alone! Regardless, your tart looks delicious!

  12. Great job! Your tart looks delicious!

  13. Too bad you don't like strawberries, but good for you to make it anyway.
    Shari@Whisk: a food blog

  14. i love the first photo! beautiful!
