Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TWD: Corn Muffins...

...Or the thing I baked that was not meant to be shared with the world. I was a brain disaster when it came to the corn muffins Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake chose. And that's that I took the easy route by making the traditional corn muffins as opposed to the Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins Rebecca had originally chosen. I had almost all of the ingredients except for the buttermilk and I knew there was a chance both of us would spend more time picking out the peppers than actually eating and enjoying the muffins. Dorie says to omit all the peppers and add more sugar when making traditional corn muffins. Not a problem, except I added the black pepper. I didn't have buttermilk but I found a substitute that said 1 cup of buttermilk was the equivalent to 1 Tbsp lemon juice plus however much milk needed to make a cup. So what do I do? I pour more than a cup of milk and then add the lemon juice. Then the recipe calls for an egg yolk and in my brain disaster I add the whole egg. At this point, I gave up and just combined everything and baked away. The muffins came out delicious either way and they didn't even last a day in our house. I took lots of pretty pictures but I deleted them thinking I already had them on my computer. My brain sucks this week. Since it's not your fault my brain sucks, here's a picture of something that doesn't suck:


  1. Ooh. too bad about your pictures! The plain corn with black pepper sounds good.

  2. Oh my. Sounds like this recipe just wasn't meant to be. And yet, it turned out!

  3. Oh, your brain doesn't suck. ;) We all do that stuff sometimes! At least you had a sweet photo to share! :)

  4. Awww, I love the picture. I can totally relate to brain bubbles -- they happen to me far more often than I like to admit. I used the whole egg too just because I didn't want an extra white sitting around.

  5. Sorry your brain went on vacation and left you behind.

    Mine does that on a semi-regular basis.

    We loved these muffins.

  6. Hahaha what a crazy story! They sounded like they were delicious either way!

  7. LMAO I deleted my pear tart pics last week. Dont feel bad your puppy makes up for no corn muffin pics!

  8. I'm glad that you were happy with the end result! Great job!

  9. This sounds like every single one of my experiences baking. I can't follow a recipe for the life of me. It says 1 cup and somehow I'll put in two! I'm a disaster when it comes to baking. And it's too bad because Davey LOVES corn muffins. Some day I will make them for him, but it will have to be a day when I have NOTHING on my plate so I can completely focus on it.

  10. I think I have had that same baking experience! Cute doggie!
