Sunday, March 29, 2009

Things I'll Miss: Abe Burger

When we first moved to Boston we wandered into Abe & Louie's on Boylston Street. We ordered burgers and were immediately smitten. They were the best burgers we have ever had. Ever. These burgers were huge, succulent, and juicy. We got into a very long discussion over these burgers and wondered how they were made. I was and am convinced these burgers are steamed. They do not have a grilled taste at all and all the juices are locked in. Soo dang good. I would like to package up this burger and carry it on me all the time so that I could eat it whenever I'm feeling down. This burger takes me to a happy foodie place. Someone must have told Abe & Louie's their burgers were so good because they raised the price from $9 to $13. Boston will forever be the place that introduced me to the most perfect burger and I am eternally grateful for that.
Burger perfection.


  1. My boyfriend and I love burgers but we prefer char. However, the potential of a steamed burger is intriguing. We are planning a trip to Boston soon and will have to chec this place out. Thanks!

  2. Wow, these burgers look incredible. I'm craving one just looking at these pics. Darnnit, where are the midnight snacks when I need 'em?
