Monday, March 23, 2009

Things I'm Excited For: Girl Alex

There's probably going to be a ton of "Things I'm Going to Miss" and "Things I'm Excited For" posts over the next few weeks as I get ready for the big move. My thoughts are seriously consumed by everything involved in moving. Boston is a great city, but it's the place where I reside not where I live. My heart and almost everything that drives me on a daily basis is in Miami. I find myself longing for and missing Miami. I never thought I could miss Miami as much as I do. The rhythm of Miami beats in my pulse and its culture frames my world view. I cried when I found out we were moving back to Miami. It meant the world to me to go back to the city I love. Then girl-Alex posted this on her blog and the joys of going back to Miami became more profound. Something about the words "Matron of honor in life" made me miss Miami even more because I can't wait to be near those I love the most again. Being far away has been hard, but being so close to moving back is even harder. I am impatient by nature (ask Alex what he would change about me and he'd say my impatience) and I'm sure I'll get more insufferable over the next 2 months. 61 days and counting...

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I cannot wait for you to get back! I have a feeling our husbands may be spending time alone once we are back together here!
