Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bummer Day

I took Perla to the vet today and they think she ingested rat poison. It seems she might have ingested it sometime this past weekend while we were away. I feel bad for the little one. I was sobbing in the vet's office. I've had Perla almost 14 years and the thought of anything bad happening to her makes me lose it. She's not just a dog, she's my buddy, my friend, my companion, and my little love. She's been faithful and dedicated to me from the beginning. I'm waiting for the vet to call me back with the results of her bloodwork, so please send positive vibes my way.

I need chocolate...lots of it.


  1. Oh poor baby! Hope she's fine. ::positive vibes:: headed your way.

  2. You should bake her some doggie treats when she gets better!

  3. Sending good vibes, I hope she is OK. Hang in there.

  4. Little princess! I am praying for her...she'll be okay!

  5. how scary! Sending lots of positive vibes your way!

  6. I'm sending tons of positive vibes your way. Hope Perla is okay!

  7. Oh jeez, please keep us posted - I hope she's alright!
