Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Years Ago Yesterday...

...I was a blushing bride. I remember the day perfectly and clearly. It was one of the happiest days of my life. The days leading up to the wedding were stressful and the wedding day itself was stressful, but nothing could take away from the feeling of finally marrying the love of my life. The best moment of the day was walking down the aisle. I don't think I have ever felt anything like that. It was pure happiness, joy, excitement, anticipation all wrapped into one. No one else existed except the man standing at the altar waiting for me. I was oblivious to the world and the church full of people. Nothing existed in that moment except for us. This is the one moment I recommend all brides have because the feeling is incredible, irreplaceable, and one of a kind. Two years have passed since that moment and every time I think about it I get all giddy and stupid with joy. I wish I could bottle up that feeling and carry it with me and take a sip of it whenever I felt down. The past two years of marriage have been easy. I remember reading how the first two years of marriage set the tone for the rest of the marriage and how they are the hardest and I was scared. What did I get myself into? Was it really going to be that bad? As I look back I am truly stunned to see how easy and smooth it was. There were little bumps here and there but not anything that made it feel like being married was hard. I don't think it's marriage that's hard, I think it's relationships in general that are hard. Before I digress any further, I must say that being married to Alex for the past two years has been an amazing experience and I wouldn't want to be married to or in love with anyone else. I can't wait to see what year 3 has in store for us...

He was so handsome that day. He was thisclose to crying.
Meanwhile, I cried.
So worth it.
Thanks for loving me Alex.


  1. Ahhh! I'm tearing up just looking at these photos. Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. love that last picture--happy anniversary!!!

  3. Happy belated anniversary, good luck with the house. Sorry I have been MIA, I have been so busy, but it has made me feel so bad not to have time to comment. Hope all is well.

  4. Happy (belated) anniversary. best of luck for many more to come.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! Many more.
