Monday, August 10, 2009

Have You Seen My Brain?

Because I lost it the day I found out I was PREGNANT. Yup, you read right. I am pregnant. Alex and I are expecting. We are having a baby! The kiddo is expected to make its arrival February 2010. This is such an unbelievably happy and exciting time in our lives. I found out June 11th that Baby was coming and it was so hard to keep it a secret this whole time. It was even harder because we were living with my in-laws and my eating habits had changed drastically. Did I tell you how much I hate morning, umm I mean, day sickness? Nothing appealed to me and I couldn't even brush my teeth. Luckily, enough all that's wearing away. Apparently, however, as the morning sickness wears away so does my brain. Just this past weekend I was so happy to find out that Thanksgiving was happening on Thursday this year. Hmmm think about that one. Now that everyone I love knows I figured it would be good time to share the good news with all of you out there.
P.S. Remember how I said you'd forgive my lack of posting? Well this is the reason why. Little Baby wanted nothing with my cooking or baking for the past few weeks. But now that I am feeling better, expect the posts to roll on through.


  1. Congratulations...I am not sure whether your baby is a girl or a boy but i bet the baby will be a tiny foodie!

  2. OMG Congrats Steph and Alex!

  3. Congratulations! That is so exciting! I understand about the slow down in blogging...mine still hasn't picked up to where it was before I got pregnant!

  4. Congratulations! There are lots of us bloggers with the baby bug right now. (I'm due March 5). I TOTALLY understand not wanting to blog- I really have to work hard to get anything done in the kitchen these days!

  5. congrats!!! first a homeowner and now a little bundle of joy :)

  6. congrats! Cute little baby pictures! : ) I'm expecting my first in Dec. so I know the joys (:cough:) of day sickness. Glad you're feeling better!


  8. Congrats on two wonderful things - a new person in a new house. Wonderful!!!

  9. Congratulations! I haven't seen your brain, but I've seen your belly and it looks like a pretty place for Baby to grow for a while! =)

  10. Congrats!!! We miss you on WC. I knew this was what your post was going to be when you said you had a reason why.

  11. Congratulations!

    Sorry for the morning/day sickness that sucks but it will be worth it!

  12. Congratulations! H&H 9 months!

  13. Congrats! Ahh, the first trimester. So fun. (sarcasm!)
    I got through it four times, even with my last one, the thing/smell I hated most was chocolate and sugar!!! Not good. ;)
    Whew, it's a good thing I got over that. ha
    Good luck on finding your brain as the pregnancy and then motherhood comes!

  14. Thanks everyone! I'm so glad I am finally feeling better :)

  15. Congratulations! I'd wondered if this was the news! You'll be a great Miami Mama!

  16. Congrats and best of luck to you and your husband.
