Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TWD: Cottage Cheese Pufflets

Another week, another baking challenge. I meant to have this post up yesterday but after fighting with the dough I wasn't in the mood to post. Don't get me wrong, the finished product is really good, but the dough is really hard to work with. I couldn't roll the dough out with a rolling pin and putting it between sheets of wax paper didn't help because the dough either fell apart or stuck to everything. Chilling didn't help either. I eventually threw in the towel and just shaped these things by hand. I was done with them and just wanted to get them in the oven and baked. Like I said before, these pufflets were good in that they were soft and smooth and the dough had a mildly sweet flavor that went well with the tartness of the strawberry filling. I just don't like the mission and mess of making them.

Thanks to Jacque of Daisy Lane Cakes for this week's selection. I probably would have never tried this recipe had it not been for her selecting it, so thank you for making this a challenge for me! Make sure to check out her blog for the recipe and the TWD site to see how other people did this week.

I love the way the filling oozed out.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, those look just like mine... all leaky.

    Sorry they were a pain, if I'd have known, I'd have never picked them.

    Anyway, thanks for baking along this week :)
