Tuesday, November 3, 2009

TWD: Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies

Laurie has been kind enough to allow us TWD bakers to post the recipes out of sequence this month. Thank you!! All the recipes selected for this month are perfect autumn treats and would look great in that Thanksgiving spread. I felt lazy this weekend and in the mood to make cookies, so I am starting off the month with the Sugar-Topped Molasses Spice Cookies chosen by Pamela of Cookies with Boys. The cookies were fun to make and have I told you how much I love the smell of spices like ginger, cinnamon, and allspice? Well, I do. The best part of these cookies is how warm and delicious they smell. I don't think I added enough pepper to my cookies because my cookies didn't have much of a spice kick and they tasted a lot like chewy gingerbread cookies. This was probably a good thing because it could have made these cookies go from success to fail.
Thanks to Pamela for a great November selection! Remember to stop by the TWD site to see what everyone else chose to do this week.
PS I have a few extra cookies and want to use them as a crust, any suggestions?


  1. Mmm! I can't wait to make these. (I made the bundt cake--which is de-lish!)
    For crust, make sure the cookies are crispy and not soft before grinding them up. Bake a little more? Toast? Leave out instead of covered? Not sure what best approach would be. I would probably use the oven to bake them a little more/dry them out. What a good idea!

  2. Your cookies look delicious! I am making them next week (baked the Chestnut cake this week). As for ideas about using the cookies...I'd use them for a pumpkin cheesecake.

  3. i made these too this week. so good! susan's right...a pumpkin cheesecake would be great with these as a crust.

  4. This is a killer recipe: http://smittenkitchen.com/2008/11/dark-chocolate-tart-with-gingersnap-crust/

    and I bet it would be great with your cookies in the crust.

  5. Your cookies look awesome. I used some of these cookies in a crumble topping for some muffins. YUM.

  6. cookies look just perfect. These were really good.

  7. Thanks for baking the cookies with me! I agree with everyone else regarding the crust...these would be perfect for a pumpkin cheesecake!
