Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TWD: Strawberry Tart

I must confess something. I don't like strawberries. I like strawberry jelly and strawberry sauce but I don't like the fruit itself. I don't even like it covered in chocolate. I think I may be the only person I know that doesn't like strawberries. I think they are such a beautiful fruit to make desserts with but I always pass them off to Alex when they are given to me. You see, Alex loves strawberries. They might even be his favorite fruit. But because I'm not a fan of the fruit, strawberries are seldom bought (does anyone else's partner "forget" about certain foods kept in the house?). So when I saw that Cristine of Cooking with Cristine selected a Berry Tart for this week's TWD I knew I'd make it using strawberries.I cheated a bit with this selection. I had about 30 minutes to put this whole thing together so I used store-bought pie crust. Sorry! The crust baked while I made the pastry cream and I cut up the strawberries while the cream and crust cooled. The tart was very good, or at least the part with the crust, pastry cream, and strawberry jelly was very good.
I took the dessert to our family Mother's Day celebration and it was a hit. The dessert comes together easily (or easily if you are using store-bought pie crusts!) and is stunning to look at. And again, while I can't appreciate the taste of fresh strawberries, I can appreciate their beauty as they lay on top of a tart.

1 comment:

  1. My husband doesn't care for strawberries either (or really anything with that flavor). But my boys love them.
    And your tart looks beautiful!
    I skimped, too, and used instant pudding for the pastry cream. eek.
