Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Styling C: Wednesday, 07.28.10

I am sooo that mom. I said I wouldn't do it but after seeing how cute Cati looked today I couldn't resist. I just had to share today's outfit with you (record book of me, right?)...and every outfit she wears from here on out. Now you can get a daily dose of home grown baby girl goodness.

The Look: Shabby Chic
The Outfit: Gymboree headband, Carter's white onesie, Janie & Jack teal

bunny cardigan, Old Navy jeans, Jazzy Toes Hamptons socks

And a little bit of catching up:

Tuesday, 07.27.10
The Look: Miami Casual
The Outfit:
Colombian bow, Gap giraffe onesie, Old Navy jeans

Monday, 07.26.10
The Look: Preppy Baby
The Outfit: Carter's collared onesie, Old Navy jeans

1 comment:

  1. How CUTE does she look? She is getting so big so fast!
