Thursday, August 19, 2010

{Andrea} Project Empowering Motherhood

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Today we hear from the incredibly talented Andrea Fraga of Dolce Drive. Andrea is a "party stylist" and she creates the most beautiful and creative party details. Have I told you lately how amazed I am with all the creativity out there? Women like Andrea and Melisa need to share some of that creative brain juice with the rest of us! You have to check out Dolce Drive's fan page for all the pictures but before you do that, let me share some of my favorite party details:


Here are Andrea's answers: 

1. One ugly truth about motherhood. Hormones......Mine were all over the place, uncontrollable and overwhelming. I was emotional about everything, including how much love I felt, I didn't think I could love more than I already loved my family ( I am crazy over my family) and then this little baby is in my arms and all I could wonder was how can I keep her loved, secure and happy for life. I want to be around forever, why didn't I have her sooner, she is perfect!!!

2. What does motherhood mean to you? Unconditional love, education and support. My job as a mother is to raise my daughter for the world and not just for me. God Forbid I am not here for her, I need to raise her so she will survive without me.

3. How has motherhood empowered you? I am stronger for her, a better woman, a more selfless human. But I am also more fearful of life, because I want nothing wrong for her. It's bitter sweet being a mom, the best thing that can happen to a woman or man and I know I would give my life for my daughter but you can't live in a bubble, you need to share your children with the world and you can't stop the world from taking it's course.....of disappointments, and heartbreaks. I love to picture her happily married, with a fantastic career (whatever she loves to do) and surrounded by lots and lots of love.

Sabrina is truly the most important person in my life. I love my husband, I love my amazing mother and I love my family but my daughter, Sabrina is truly my life!!!

Sabrina is one lucky girl! I couldn't agree more with motherhood being bittersweet. Every moment is so precious and fleeting. Thank you Andrea for not only sharing your creativity with us but for also making us hopeful for the future of our children.

Project Empowering Motherhood is an ongoing series in celebration and honor of Cati's 6 months. For my responses to the questions and more about the series, go HERE. To read Jenn and Melisa's answers, go HERE. If you are interested in participating and being featured on the blog send your answers to the three questions to

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