Tuesday, August 24, 2010

{Heather} Project Empowering Motherhood

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Today we hear from Heather, half of the brainpower behind the ultra crafty and inspirational blog Lucky Star Lane. What I really like about Lucky Star Lane is how inclusive the site is; not only do you get to swoon over Heather and Erin's crafty projects but you also get to see the crafty projects undertaken by their readers in their Lucky Linky series. And if you really can't get enough of them, check out their Etsy store and buy yourself a bit of their creativity. Seriously though, how beautiful is this:

Flower Pin Boutique Package

Here are Heather's answers:

1. One ugly truth about motherhood. To me, motherhood has been a mirror. It has shown me really cool things about me that I never knew, that I am strong, capable and generous beyond what is probably good for me. But, it has also shown me my weaknesses, that I need more patience, that I'm not forgiving enough and that I am judgemental.

2. What does motherhood mean to you? Motherhood has been a process of raising my son and raising myself. It's funny to me now that I thought I was so grown up, so mature. I have so much to learn and I love that I get to learn it with my son ;)

3. How has motherhood empowered you? Motherhood has been a greatly empowering experience for me. It was wonderful to know during pregnancy that I could grow a baby, but to nourish him and watch him grow from my milk was amazing. I love watching him catch on to something I taught him, to flourish under an environment that I've been essential to creating. I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but I never realized how much I was missing out before he was here.

Thank you Heather for sharing your love of crafting with us and infecting us with the crafty bug! Your creativity amazes me and I'm soo jealous of how much your son is going to benefit from having such a creative and talented mommy.

Project Empowering Motherhood is an ongoing series in celebration and honor of Cati's 6 months. For my responses to the questions and more about the series, go HERE. To read Jenn and Melisa's answers, go HERE. If you are interested in participating and being featured on the blog send your answers to the three questions to steppystar@aol.com. 

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie,

    You are SO Sweet! I think the nicest thing anyone can say to us moms is that our kids are lucky to have us specifically, so thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! Cati will love having a mommy as capable and loving as you - one who truly appreciates motherhood, warts and all ;)

    With Sincere Thanks,

