Wednesday, September 1, 2010

{Shari} Project Empowering Motherhood

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Today we hear from Shari, the mommy behind the awesome blog Spearmint Baby. This blog is all about babies, from nursery decor to party ideas to food to post baby weight loss (PS Shari is super brave and shares belly pics!). Anything you can think of that's baby related, Shari blogs about it. It's impressive that she's able to blog as much as she does with 3 kids at home, but then again we are talking about the woman who turned one of her master bedroom closets into a super cool and very cozy nursery. Two of my favorite features are the recently restarted Photo of the Day (here, here, here, and here) and the DONT'S for Husbands and Wives 1913 (especially this one).

Here are Shari's answers:

1. One ugly truth about motherhood. For me the only ugly truth about motherhood is the way I look! I have chipped fingernails, haven't worn my hair down for 4 months, and I am still braless and it is 11:02 AM! At least I am saving a lot of money on makeup. All the other "ugly" things I actually enjoy! The sleepless nights don't bother me :) I do think it is easier now with my second. He is an easy baby and the only time he fusses is when he is hungry. I am lucky have never dealt with colicky babies (knock on wood)...because I do plan to have a third fairly soon!

2. What does motherhood mean to you? To me motherhood is unconditional love. No matter what happens as my children grow I promise to give them unconditional love and support. I hope knowing this will give them the courage to try all things that life has to offer!

3. How has motherhood empowered you? Hmmm, for one motherhood has taught me to love my body. It has also made me a better wife. It sounds strange but learning to have patience with a 19 month old and a 3 month old has taught me how to communicate better with my husband!

Thank you Shari for sharing for not only sharing your motherhood with us, but for also giving us a glimpse into how much a baby touches and changes every aspect of our lives!
Project Empowering Motherhood is an ongoing series in celebration and honor of Cati's 6 months. For my responses to the questions and more about the series, go HERE. To read Jenn, Melisa, Esther, Andrea, Jenny, Jen, Mollie, Jamie, Charlotte and Erika's answers, go HERE. If you are interested in participating and being featured on the blog send your answers to the three questions to 

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