Sunday, October 24, 2010

This Week in Mommyhood

Cati has truly been my buddy this week. In the beginning I felt Cati was more of a newly formed appendage; always with me and slightly awkward. Now, Cati feels more like my little friend. We play together, laugh at each other, talk to one another, we eat our meals together. A lot of it has to do with Cati being older, less independent, and more interactive. She's just such a little person.
Cati was such a trooper this week as we went out nearly everyday in search of donations for the cupcake event. She played by herself long enough to let me make phone calls and she was as sweet as can be when I actually met with people.
In very exciting news Cati has begun to cruise! She'll only do it when she wants something and it's obviously very wobbly but it's still amazing to see this progression in her development. She's also begun to test out standing on her own. She can only hold it for a few seconds but it's still impressive. I feel like I've won the lottery every time Cati does something developmentally new because it makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
In mommy related news, I cut out my midday pump. I made up a pumping elimination schedule but that schedule had me pumping until the end of November; I want to be done pumping before Thanksgiving so I can enjoy the holiday without excusing myself, especially since Thanksgiving will be at our house this year. So I moved up the schedule and I'm going on day two of pumping twice a day. I didn't think I'd ever get to this point and I just hope the end of my pumping days is a smooth transition.
Some days I feel as if being a mother is the most natural thing. Most days I can't believe I am actually a mother and doing the whole mom thing.

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