Monday, November 8, 2010

Obsession of the Week

Holy cow. It's been a while since I last posted my Obsession of the Week. Now that Cupcake Camp Miami is over I am getting back into my posting groove (meaning: posting A LOT in a short amount of time). At Cupcake Camp Miami I only had two cupcakes, but one of the cupcakes was heaven on earth so I don't feel too horrible about my lack of cupcake eating-ness. If you know me well enough you will know that Bubble Gum Ice Cream is my favorite, favoritist ice cream in the whole universe. The ice cream makes feel like a child all over again. It makes my heart pitter patter. It's really a treat every time I have it because Alex can't stand how I eat it. I won't go into too many details but let's just say I save all the gum balls for last. Imagine my joy when I found out one of the bakers, Sweet P Cupcakes, made a Bubble Gum Cupcake. Did you get that? Bubble. Gum. Cupcake.
Photo by Alex Pruna
 It was serendipitous that I even got to eat the cupcake because my family ended up picking the last one on the table and none of them ate the cupcake before I got to them. This cupcake and me were meant to cross paths. I was meant to eat it and it was meant to be devoured by me. The cupcake tasted just like bubble gum. The frosting, the cake, everything. Since I've eaten the cupcake I have tried to think of reasons to buy a dozen (or twenty) of the cupcakes. I'm coming up way short. There aren't any big enough events coming up and I honestly think Alex might kill me if there's another dessert in the house.
Photo by Alex Pruna
Did I mention there are chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin cookies, Cookies by Design cookies, a few Cupcake Camp cupcakes, chocolate chip cupcakes, and a cake in the oven right at this moment? Yeah, I've been on a baking crash course since the event ended. I guess for now I'll just look at these pictures and let taste bud memory hold me off.
Photo by Alex Pruna

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