Friday, December 3, 2010

Dear Santa

I heard you were in need of an extra reindeer. I promise Cati would be a great addition and would help your holiday gift-giving marathon run smoothly. She's just like a reindeer in that she needs somebody to feed her, prepare her meals, bathe her, and clean her. She cannot walk or run yet but she can crawl just as fast and she knows how to climb stairs (helpful for those roofs!). All she really needs is a little love, affection, and attention. She would like to submit her photo for consideration (handsome gentleman not included):


If she can't help you out this holiday season would you consider paying extra attention to her letter?


She wrote it with lots of love and with the help of the Mommy-Translator 2010. Please note that she eats crackers. I believe reindeer eat crackers too.


To show you how serious she was about her letter, she even mailed it herself (with the help of Mommy-Mailer 2010):
Thank you,

Cati's mom

1 comment:

  1. well that is just the cutest reindeer I have ever seen!
