Monday, January 31, 2011

A Little Birthday Chatter, Part 2

Birthday plans are going. Kind of. A birthday party involves a lot less planning than a wedding, baby shower, and baptism. I thought I would be overwhelmed with planning and the reality is that I am underwhelmed. I'll have plenty to do next week (!!!!!!!!) but there isn't really anything I can do this week to make next week any better. As far as I can tell things are coming together nicely. There will be a dessert table and I'm going to be doing a lot of baking for that. There will be sandwiches and lots of appetizers/finger foods. There will be a bounce house and cotton candy machine. There will NOT be dinosaurs (sorry Josie!) and there will not be a mommy meltdown that day (fingers crossed). I'm still working on Cati's outfit for the day and I know I want her to be dressed casually. Is it sad that I have decided on my outfit but not hers?

Anyway, the party is coming along. I haven't shared any updates with you so I thought I would share the invitation I went with. I absolutely love it and I can't thank Louisa of FLIPAWOO Designs enough. I was thisclose to purchasing another invitation when I stumbled upon this one. This invitation had, in my eyes, the perfect balance of vintage and girly.

Cati Bday Invite2

The colors are perfect and match the colors I'm using throughout the party. I nearly flipped for joy when I saw the printed invitation and I almost cried when I put them in the mail because I realized there was no turning back.

Catarina will be one in 14 days and her party is in 12 days. Please help me make it through the next two weeks!

For more on FLIPAWOO Designs visit the blog and Etsy shop.


  1. I love that you are so excited! How fun!

  2. Aww...thank you so much for your kind words. I was so glad to work with you on this and thrilled that you ended up loving the invitation design! By the way, I mentioned your blog on my most recent post -

  3. What an adorable invitation! My little girl just turned 2, and although we just had a small family party, it was still fun to prepare for!!
