Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birthday Zone

The party is this week! Cati's first birthday party is just a few days away. I have made so many trips to Costco, Michael's, BJ's, and Publix in the last few days that I'm starting to think I work there. I have been so busy with prep work and a ton of last minute decisions that I haven't even had time to register how I'm feeling emotionally about this milestone. I just know that it will hit me after the party: after we have celebrated with our loved ones and I'm once again reminded of how much people love Cati. The big weekend bet will be at what point will I cry: after the party, on her actual birthday, or as I'm putting my baby to sleep for the last time as a baby. All I can say is that I'm thankful Alex is on vacation so he can give me a little talk when my emotions get the better on me.

Anyway, enough about emotions. The party is this week! True to myself, the one thing I am really excited about when it comes to the party (other than celebrating Cati herself) is the dessert table. I have layouts drawn out and I even set-up the table just to get a feel for how everything would fit and look. I'm not so concerned with other aspects of the party but, for some reason, I am obsessing over this dessert table. There will be ten items on the table and I am making six of those items. Today was Day One of my mini baking marathon and it was a huge success. I'm already ahead of schedule and am so proud of how everything came out. My kitchen is a disaster but I guess that's the price you pay for baking heaven.

Here's the current state of affairs in our kitchen and a sneak peek into my highly anticipated and planned dessert table:

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