Trying on mom's shoes. Cati is obsessed with my shoes and whenever she sees them lying around she tries to put them on.
Cleaning her ears with a baby Q-Tip. I don't even clean her ears every day but I guess she thinks this is really fun.
Going to her first baseball game. A night one at that and all in support of the "Resident Team Physician" aka daddy.
Library playtime. There is a wooden container (?) with four holes to store books. Cati pulled out all the books in one of the holes so she could sit in it. Then she started moving the books around from the other holes. This was the funniest little game.
Children's Museum field trip. We had a little playdate at the museum with a friend and it was so much fun. My heart ached a bit for another child as I saw how comfortable my friend was with her kids and how much they loved her.
My birthday was this past week and while it was a bust on one level, it was such a great day on another. As I predicted Alex would be too tired from working to do anything so he was fast asleep the minute he laid down and I spent the night finishing up the scrapbook for Cati's first year of life and snacking on hummus and crackers. Thank goodness I went out for a special lunch with Cati where we got to share fries and strip steak. I love my little girl so much.
Cati's appetite has come back with a vengeance. I don't even want to get into what's going on with her teeth because she is seriously the sloooooooooooooowest teether on the planet but I'm assuming the most painful part is behind her because she is eating like a champ. I've also started phasing out her bottle. She always gets a sippy cup of water or super watered down juice with her meals so she was used to drinking out of a sippy cup, but this week I started giving her milk in the sippy cup. I figured if she isn't napping and on a schedule anymore then there's no point in giving her the bottle since the bottle always preceded naps. She has adjusted well and just when I think I am making too big of a change too soon she proves me wrong and rolls with it.
I'm sorry posting has been erratic. I'm sorry if emails have been unanswered for some time. While Cati is adjusting to her new one-nap-a-day schedule with relative ease, I'm struggling to get my bearings and work out a new schedule for myself. Like all things in motherhood, this will soon pass and I'll find a new normal and a new way of functioning and getting things done in an even more condensed amount of time.
What an adorable little girl she is! I love the photo where she is all serious looking at the baseball game... So cute!