Sunday, April 24, 2011

This Week in Mommyhood

Oh boy are we in trouble. Cati is such a little dancer and now when you say "dance" or "baila" she starts dancing. Her dancing has also expanded to attempting to clap to the beat and stomping her right foot. Her current favorite dance songs are Adele's "Rolling In The Deep" and "Rumour Has It."

Here are the other fun developments this week:

Fork upgrade. Cati broke her Boom bendable fork. I didn't think those things could break but Cati proved me wrong. We upgraded to some big girl forks and she loves actually being able to fork her food.
Poop. Cati won't say if she has a poopy diaper but if I ask her "tienes popo?" and she does, she will pat her butt.

Uno! Cati knows her age! Or at least she really likes the way I say "Uno!" because when I ask her "quantos aƱos tiene?" she extends her index finger in the one position and raises her hand.

Helmet safety. My birthday present was a pretty pink Schwinn bike with a child carrier and helmets. Cati HATES her helmet. Poor girl. I'm not a fan on mine neither, but safety first, right?

Bedroom playtime. At some point this week our bed become the hot spot. Cati tries to climb on the bed so that we can play and dance. I love seeing her try to stretch to reach over the edge of the bed.

School concerns.  I started seriously thinking about school this week. I want to enroll Cati in some kind of program next January because of the social aspect and I feel she will be old enough to really get something out of being around other kids on a more consistent basis. It's so overwhelming on so many levels. On the one hand I want to find a program that will be a good fit for her and on the other hand I hate feeling like my school plans are very short-term because of Alex's fellowship year. Then there's the whole money aspect to contend with and the fact that so many programs have wait lists. Wait lists for toddlers? I pray for when she goes to college.

Another week gone and the month of April is drawing to a close. Here's hoping for another week of surviving.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so behind on my blog reading! And I feel like I've missed some of Cati growing up :( So cute she can dance! Would love to see a video :)
