Sunday, May 15, 2011

This Week in Mommyhood

The days are passing by in a blur and I can barely remember what happens. I think I've reached the point where I'm not as diligent about capturing and recording Cati's milestones. I can tell that I am because I see it reflected in the reduction of picture taking. Cati is still growing and developing and blowing my mind away, but it's getting harder for me to remember when she first started doing certain things.
These are the cute and amazing things Cati is doing now and I can't remember when she started doing them:

"Shoo."  Cati loves to put her finger to her mouth and say "shoo." Of all the things she picked up from "The Wheels on the Bus" song, this is her favorite and whenever I start singing it she immediately starts shushing. She also gets that it means quiet.

Too hot. Cati likes to blow on her food before eating it to make sure it isn't too hot. She must think this is the funnest thing because she'll even do it to cold food and fruit.

Hands in the air. Cati likes to pump her hands in the air whenever she does something she's proud of. This all started with me saying "Put your hands in the air if you're a good baby! Woo woo!" after each spoonful of veggies she ate.

I can say Mama, I just chose not to. The little brat. Cati says mama, just not to my face. I went to the mall with her Titi Jeselyn and left them together so I could use the bathroom. Turns out that the entire time I was gone Cati was saying mama.
I noticed an ugly thing about myself this week. I am bad with follow-through. I have all these plans and ideas and I don't follow through with them. I start projects but I don't finish them. I need to change this about myself because I want to be a good example for Cati. I don't want her childhood to be littered with Mom's Great Plans That Get Nowhere.

Here's to another week of probably losing myself in time and loving every minute with my amazing baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love her little green romper! And I think you are doing a fantastic job of recording her milestones! I love your 'this week in mommyhood' posts, and seeing the pics of Cati! I want to do these kinds of things when I have a baby! You are giving me good ideas lol :) That is so cute that she blows on cold food, and I hope she chooses to say 'mama' in front of you soon.

    Oh and I am the same way about starting things and not finishing them. I am bad with that. You planned a great party for her first birthday, record her milestones, and have great childhood pics for her to look back on... I would say you start and finish alot of things! But I can totally understand what you are saying... there isn't enough time in the day and in life to do all the things we wanna do! I second that! But you are doing a great job from what I see :)
