Monday, May 19, 2014

Spartan Up! with a Whiskey Caramel Sauce

Today has been a great day. I had an awesome workout this morning, I was able to catch up on this poor neglected blog before lunchtime, and I've handled tantrums so well today that I actually looked forward to picking up the girls from school. On top of that, I received my copy of Spartan Up!, the new book from Joe De Sena, the founder of Spartan Race. If you didn't know, running a Spartan Race is on my bucket list of races and I'm hoping to cross that off my list come September with the Chicago Super.  I can't wait to read the book and find more gems like this one:

"If you don’t shift your frame of reference, 
you become closed off to the 
magic and joy life has to offer." 

To celebrate today and really make it great, I got in the kitchen and whipped up my favorite caramel sauce. I was talking about it with a friend yesterday and, then today, I thought "Why wait? Why not today?" In the last week, I have felt like a very strong runner, I have gotten in the kitchen to bake three times, and I started reading a new book. I am loving not having the responsibility of school or clients anymore and am starting to feel a little more like myself. 

Whiskey Caramel Sauce
Source: Jill O'Connor's Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey
Makes 1 cup

1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup whiskey
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 Tbsp vanilla extract

Combine the sugar, whiskey, and lemon juice in a heavy bottom saucepan over medium heat. Cook, gently swirling the pan occasionally, until the sugar dissolves and starts to turn color. Increase the heat to high and boil until the syrup turns a deep amber color, 4 to 5 minutes. Watch carefully, as it can burn  quickly.

Immediately remove the pan from the heat and pour in the cream and salt. Carefully stir in cream, as caramel has a tendency to hiss and splash as the cold cream hits it. Place pan over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until caramel thickens, 7 to 10 minutes. The mixture should be the consistency of thick cream. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.

Let cool.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram @thecookierunner 

Note: the book was given to me by Spartan Race but the opinions in this post are all my own. 

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