Tuesday, December 30, 2008

DB: Defeat

I feel so horrible. Hilda of Saffron and Blueberry and Marion of Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux chose Florilège Gourmand's French Yule Log for us Daring Bakers to make this month and I couldn't do it. I had almost every single part of the log completed and just couldn't muster up the energy to put it together. I know where things went wrong too. I have done all the other DB challenges at the beginning of the month but with this challenge I waited until 2 days before I left for Miami to try to make the log. I have all the ingredients in my freezer so we'll see what condition they are in when I get back to Boston and if I have the energy to put them all together. I'm a baking disappointment :(


  1. That was a tough challenge. I give credit to anyone who attempted to make it.

  2. Hey at least you took a stab. I was too intimated to even get started (insert frowny face)

  3. Ohhhhhhhhh such a pity... Specially because you put all your efforts into making some elements... Don't worry, eat them separatly ;)
