Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year's!

This time of year always gets to me. I love ringing in the new year but I hate accepting that another year of life has passed. Where did 2008 go? Why did it go so fast? I must say "where did the year go?" about 20 times on New Year's Eve because I can't believe that 365 days have passed so quickly and faded away into the land of memories. What was 2008 like for me? It's hard not to reflect on that question when 2009 is breathing down your back and you are trying to figure out what you want to accomplish in the new year. 2008 was a good year for me and, while I am sad to see it end, I am excited to see what 2009 brings. 2008 was the year I got accepted to and started law school. It was the year I quit a job that was sucking the life out of me. It was the year that saw some friendships strengthen and others weaken. It was a year of a beautiful new beginning that was almost 7 years in the making (Congratulations again, girl-Alex!). It was the year that made me fall even more in love with my husband. It was the year I appreciated how my life is filled with the purest of joy because of my dog as we were faced with her multiple health scares. It was the year that I started this blog. There is so much to remember about 2008 but as I sit here trying to write this post, I feel like I am forgetting things because, again, I am not ready for 2008 to be over. What struck me the most about time was going to my mom's house and seeing all these pictures of me that were taken over the years. Going to your parents house after you move out is always a weird feeling, or at least it is for me. It's like going back to a museum of your childhood. I feel like I was just a baby yesterday, an awkward teen a few hours ago, and a blossoming adult 2 minutes ago.

I hope everyone else had a great New Year's. Hopefully 2009 is a year full of many exciting, invigorating, and happy moments. While we can't run from the sad moments, I hope 2009 is defined by those moments that change our lives in a positive way and make us want to live fully.

And now a brief history of this city eater...

As a new born some 20-something years ago

As a toddler aka the last time I would ever look this cute

Becoming a teen. That's my sister who is a hottie now

Senior pictures: I don't know if I'd ever want to be 18 again

Entering adulthood: college graduation

Me, 2008

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