Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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TWD: Sweet Cream Biscuits

I think I'm finally starting to hit my stride! Two weeks in a row! Go me! I was so excited about the biscuits chosen by Melissa of Love at First Bite for this week's TWD. I love breakfast items and I love making breakfast. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to indulge in making my favorite meal of the day because of the little missy. I can't wait for her to understand the importance of this meal!These biscuits were delicious and I loved how easy it was to put them together. The recipe calls for 5 ingredients, one bowl, and a little elbow grease. I thought the biscuits came out great and had just enough rise. I've tried Dorie's other biscuit recipe and those babies were crackers, not biscuits. We paired our biscuits with butter and strawberry jelly. Nothing too fancy seeing as one of us had to eat with a baby in his arms.

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