My little project has come to an end and this post is long overdue. The project started off with me wanting to celebrate making it to 6 months of motherhood and it has ended with me having a whole new appreciation for how different women view and experience motherhood. I loved reading everyone's responses and sharing them with you. I'm so happy that motherhood has allowed me to connect to some incredible women.
Special thanks to all the participants:
Jenn of Bridgetown Baby Momma
Melisa of Project Nursery
Esther, my aunt
Andrea of Dolce Drive
Jenny of rainy day gal
Jen, my friend
Heather of Lucky Star Lane
Mollie of Bloom Photography
Jamie of Sew Sweet Peanut Boutique
Charlotte of Mommyhood Mayhem
Erika of Lovely Little Lola
Alex, my friend
Shari of Spearmint Baby
Julie of ZozoBugBaby
Lenore of Mommyhood Mayhem
Caroline of Whipped
Alex of Before the Baby Wakes
Prudy of Prudence Pennywise
Delia of The Love Life
Kelly of Hard Hard Can This Be?
Becki of Becki Bakes
Bree of Baked Bree
Jill of Baby Rabies
Erin of Breedwoman Needs a Timeout
Josie, my mother-in-law
Here are my answers and if you want to read through the whole series (instead of clicking on individual names) go HERE.
What a great idea it was! Thanks for pulling together all of our made for such interesting, thought-provoking, empowering reading. :-)