What is it about babies that makes perfectly sensible adults (women mostly) forget all their manners? I thought it was bad when strangers wanted to touch my pregnant belly (pregnant bellies
are beautiful but you don't see my wanting to pet your non-life building belly). Then it got worse once Cati was here and women would ask me if I was breastfeeding (she's getting breast milk
thankyouverymuch). This was the first question out of everyone's mouth. You'd think that if someone was going to ask you a question related to your breasts they would at least have the decency to ask what your name was first. I think that would help break the ice a little and make the girls feel a little less on display. Well, a whole new low has been reached. I was out with Alex and Cati and this lady asked us if we wanted to have more kids (yes, one more) and then...
...drum roll please...
...and then she asked if we were using protection. Hmmm. Let's think about that one. Can you think of a situation other than in a medical setting where it would be perfectly ok to ask a stranger that question? I can't. I've rattled my brain trying to come up with one and no luck. Again, the least this person could have done was ask my name so that I could feel like it isn't a complete stranger asking me an extremely personal question.
I blame it on Cati being so adorable and beautiful that people lose the ability to rationalization and the ability to censoring their thoughts. I mean, look at this face:
Well, I mean...are you, Stephanie? Using protection? Protection from punching people in the face who have no sense of propriety?
Cati's gorgeous. Gotta blame her for making us all so gobbledeegoogleheaded....
Oh man....are these old ladies asking you these questions? At least then you could blame it on them being crazy old ladies! In Chile, where I am currently living, people ask inappropriate questions all of the time. I would totally except those types of questions from people here, but not in the States!
I also wanted to say thanks for being so candid about how your time as a mother has been. I don't have kids yet, but in a few years we plan to start and it is nice to have a heads up about what is in store!
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